terça-feira, 10 de maio de 2011


Os anunciamos e invitamos al acto inaugural del Primer Encuentro Local sobre Decrecimiento “Sevilla Decrece 2011" que se celebrará el próximo viernes 13 de mayo a las 17:30h. en el Paraninfo del Rectorado de la Universidad de Sevilla.

Hemos preparado un amplio programa de actividades que comienzan con la conferencia inaugural titulada “Decrecimiento como agua de mayo”, en la que tenemos la suerte de contar con la participación de Miguel Delibes de Castro, profesor de investigación en el CSIC de Sevilla, y Yayo Herrero, co-coordinadora estatal de Ecologistas en Acción y una de los referentes del movimiento decrecentista en nuestro país.

Será un acto especial, ya que es la primera vez que se presenta la "Red de Decrecimiento de Sevilla, Transición en Comunidad" ante un auditorio más amplio y también porque supone el inicio del encuentro que, con mucho cariño, hemos ido preparando a lo largo de los últimos meses a través de un proceso participativo y autogestionado en el que se han ido enredando cada vez más personas y colectivos de nuestra ciudad. Por ello, para este momento tan especial, tenemos preparadas algunas sorpresas, que no te puedes perder!!!

El encuentro se desarrollará en los días posteriores, entre el 13 y 22 de mayo en distintos espacios de nuestra ciudad, con el objetivo de dar a conocer esta nueva corriente de pensamiento y movimiento social que cuestiona de forma radical nuestra sociedad de consumo, al tiempo que teje redes que imaginan y ponen en práctica alternativas para salir de la actual crisis multidimensional.

A modo de resumen, el primer fin de semana nos acercaremos al decrecimiento -con Miguel Delibes y Yayo Herrero-, el pico del petróleo y la crisis de insostenibilidad -con Jordi Solé (Oil Crash Observatory)- y el Movimiento de Transición - con Ecoherencia-. A partir del lunes profundizaremos en propuestas, iniciativas concretas y enredos para tejer y reforzar comunidad local; y el segundo fin de semana está pensado para conocer otras experiencias, crear más y mejores lazos, con el encuentro interprovincial de iniciativas decrecentistas y la excursión por la zona norte de la ciudad.

Os informamos de que la mayoria de las actividades tienen aforo limitado, por lo que es recomendable la inscripción si quieres asegurar tu participacion.

Todas las actividades son gratuitas o de bajo coste, para cubrir los gastos de materiales, y muchas disponen de espacio de ludoteca infantil para l@s más peques. El lugar de recogida de los/as niños/as será el mismo que el de la actividad.

Os facilitamos algunos de los materiales de difusión que hemos elaborado para la ocasión. Y con los que puedes ayudarnos también a difundir el encuentro para seguir enredando y sumando gente a la corriente decreciente.

Recuperar el verdadero valor de la vida es un camino que está aún por hacer, pero es algo contagioso, así que... ¿te apuntas?

¡Participa! ¡Ven a Sevilla Decrece 2011! ¡Menos para vivir mejor!

Más información en sevilladecrece2011.blogspot.com.

Correo-e: sevilladecrece@gmail.com

Síguenos en Facebook y Twitter

terça-feira, 3 de maio de 2011

A society of love

I have a vision: a society of Love.
I imagine a world were I would be happy and all the others around me would feel happy too, as one heart.

I would love to live in a place were people would smile at me if they passed me by, a place were I could be myself free of judgement, all of my being and it's countless expressions would be honored, valued and accepted, were I wouln'd have to hide my beauty and love from no one.
No more mental boundaries between me and the outside world, to be free,knowing that others would understand.

Feel the love in my fellow friend's eyes, and love their love. Feel happy that the light was shining trough their eyes.

A place of harmony , were every person would be a part of the puzzle, all of us making sense together, like a dance of life, with joy and peace.

A space were we can all shine, all give the very best of ourselves with no worries and no fears. A circle of trust.

A society that knows there is no "rights" and "wrongs", for every path is a path. Were there is no telling what the expressions of love would be, for we have not walked on the other person's shoes, so we cannot judge.
Being in our own shoes have told us the truth above duality, so we know within ourselves that truth, so we understand...
we can see the love under every action, every though, every smell and every colour. We know.

A place of creation, a place of birth of new ways and expressions of love, a new step in the world of matter and density, a dense understanding of the light or a light understanding of density?
Joy flowing though our cells, all of them singing life's love in harmony.

We all dream of such a place, deep down at night it sings to us, we know the truth and we long for it. We are transitioning from density to light, loving in joy every frame of the scale, from the infinite small to the macrocosms, every layer receiving light and activating itself in the big heart of love.

All we need to do is ask, and it shall be placed in front of us, every little step
It may seem long, but can you imagine the time it takes to light every layer of your complex, old being? How many layers are there? I've lost count of mine, so many that I forget about them, struggling, sometimes, to use the correct one at the right time. But then it comes...

Synchronicity, all layer synchronised among themselves and everything is perfect on that moment!
Everything is right, at the right time at the right place, and it is beautiful, and it is peaceful and it is joy.

Create, my dearests, create.
Harmony is in creativity, in the expressions of your soul. Be the arts, be the music, be the dance.

I love all, and I dream of such a place. Maybe at night, when no one else is there but you and your soul, maybe you can imagine such a place too and we dream together a world of love.
I'll meet you there.

Ana Tara

segunda-feira, 7 de março de 2011


A simplicidade voluntária está a criar novos ramos!

Estamos embrenhados, neste momento, na criação de uma Rede Algarvia de Partilha, a Almingas!

(** for english version)

O mês passado um pequeno grupo juntou-se para conversar e unir intenções, lançámos as sementes da partilha e da entre-ajuda.
**Last month a small group gathered to talk and bind intentions, spread seed of sharing and help exchange.

Queremos começar por um partilhar um dia por mês de fraternidade e trabalho, unindo esforços numa tarefa especifica, numa determinada quinta que procure ou necessite de uma mãozinha! Da-mos-lhe o nome de Mingas.
**We would like to start by sharing a fraternity and work day a month, join efforts in a specific task, at a farm that is looking for or needing a hand! We call that a Mingas.

Este mês a quinta escolhida foi a Quinta do Vale da Lama- Odiaxere - Lagos. (mapa)
** This months the farm chosen was the Quinta do Vale da Lama - Odiaxere - Lagos (map)

Dia 13 de Março, ás 9h, vamos juntar-nos para Plantar Batatas! Pela tarde, depois do almoço/ picnic partilhado, convidamos todos os interessados a juntarem-se á conversa necessária de criar objectivos precisos para a REDE, e mais algumas questões tecnicas.
** On the 13th March, at 9h am, we'll gather to seed potato's! On the afternoon, after a shared lunch/picnic, we invite all to join us to discuss the objectives of the network, and some technical issues.

Almingas é uma rede LIVRE, não existe obrigatoriedade na participação nem compromissos, qualquer um pode juntar-se ás Mingas se sentir vontade. Existe um questionário curto para preencher, que funciona como base de dados da Rede, ao que se pede aos participantes para preenche-lo!
** Almingas is a FREE network, no mandatory presence or engagement is required, one can join the mingas at any time and own pace. There is a little questionnaire to fill, that is a data base of the network, that we ask you o fill!

Cá vos esperamos!
We'll be waiting for you!

Ana Tara
Contact aloichot@gmail.com or 934240466